Art Meets Law

Inaugural Conference

of the Centre for Art and Law Initiatives


31 January 2025
10:00 AM to 8:00 PM
Seminar Hall No. 1 + 2, Kamala Devi Building,
India International Centre, Delhi

11.00 – Opening / Arriving Participants

11.45 – Opening Speech and inauguration of CALI 
Ms. Lavanya Regunathan Fischer and Dr. Nicolai Kemle

12.00 – 1. Lecture: Retd. Justice Anjana Prakash, Senior Advocate, Former Judge (Patna High Court) on
‘Judicial Insight on Cases Concerning Art Works’

12.45 – 2. Lecture: Mr. Vincent Monda, Senior Assistant Director, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP), Kenya on
‘Criminal aspects of International Art’ 

13.30 – “Meet & Greet” Lunch

15.00 – 3. Lecture: Dr. Nicolai Kemle, Director, IFKUR on
‘Commercial Aspects of Art and Law’

15.45 – 4. Lecture: Mr. Renson M. Ingonga, Director and Head of Public Prosecutions, Kenya on
‘Efforts of Repatriation’

16.30 – Tea

17.00 5. Lecture: Mr. N. Hariharan, Senior Advocate on
‘Fakes, Forgeries and Art Works’ 

17.45 – 6. Keynote Lecture: Mr. R. Venkataramani, Attorney General for India remarks on
‘Antiquities and Art Treasurers Act, 1972: Repatriation and Restitution in India’

18.30 – Panel: Challenges of Repatriation and Restitution of Art Works

  1. Prof. Sudarshan Ramaswamy, Dean, Jindal School of Government and Public Policy, O.P. Jindal Global University
  2. Mr. Renson M. Ingonga, Director and Head of Public Prosecutions, Kenya
  3. Dr. Alexander Fischer, Distinguished academician and Professor of Law
  4. Dr. Nicolai Kemle, Director, IFKUR – Moderator

20:00 – Closing/ Cocktail